Orleans Sierra Club presents:
Sunday, October 9
Sunday, October 9
Coastal Resiliency : Louisiana's Homes in the Face of Climate Change
Johanna DeGraffenreid from the Gulf Restoration Network will speak. GRN has been fighting for the state
to recognize that we are past the point where levees and coastal restoration are enough to protect communities. The state has laid out potential solutions in the Coastal Master Plan like flood-proofing, home elevation and voluntary relocation programs, but has not offered much funding to implement these "nonstructural" solutions. These communities are being called "Resettlement Zones" by the Office of Community Development. La. coastal communities are at risk of getting washed away from rising seas, flooding, and storm surge.
Audubon Zoo Dominion Auditorium (Go through the gate behind the Audubon Statue at the front of the zoo and turn right)
6:30 PM refreshments
7-8pm program address and question
504-307-0187 with questions.